READY TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS?Northern Investment Alliance Group Ltd has a proven method of enabling successful manufacturing business owners to exit their business their way, hassle-free and at premium prices.
We pay true market value and leverage the business’ assets to fund the sale.
Our interest is to acquire successful manufacturing operations, protect the integrity of the business by keeping existing employees in employment and grow the business for the benefit of all stakeholders.
This can include existing shareholders who are keen to remain part of the business and enjoy the benefits of rapid growth without the day-to-day responsibility and hassle of managing the business. We grow the business, you share in the profits, either in the office or on the golf course. Should you want to just walk away, that’s OK too.
The Board of Northern Investment Alliance Group Ltd is made up of successful business owners with a wide range of skills and a proven growth strategy which will be utilised to bring rapid growth.